The beginning blogs from my SparkPeople page...
Friday, July 11, 2008Let’s See How This Thing WorksWell, let's see how this thing works. I'm so frustrated with my weight right now and have to make a change. I absolutely REFUSE to go up another size. This has to be the end. So, today is all about change. I'm hoping that this is the kind of support that I need to make a healthier lifestyle chance. I know that the good days and bad days are both going to come. Let's just hope that the good out weigh the bad. lol I'm also hoping that less weight and more movement will help my Fibromyalgia. I've been going to a water aerobics class (not consistently) that has helped so much. Maybe I should get back on that...Ha!
Saturday, July 12, 2008First Official DaySo today went pretty well as far as eating goes. I didn't exercise in the regular sense unless you count running up and down our staircase a billion times and chasing our children. But, I did reach a goal today by drinking all 8 glasses of water! WHOO HOOO!!! And I think my husband is joining as I type this. I am so excited that we can all do this as a family. My aunt (NANNAN6) and cousin (MARCIESNIDER) got me started on SparkPeople and I am excited to have us all help each other. GO TEAM!
Sunday, July 13, 2008The Word “Buffet” Is From The DevilToday was a fantastic day spent with friends but was really terrible in the counting calories department! After church, we had a Dream Team meeting. The Dream Team is what Pastor Shane calls the volunteers of the church. We had a big pitch-in. I have to admit that I just didn't know what to do in that case. Since it was all homemade stuff, I tried to pick and choose things that I knew were healthier -- in fact we even brought fresh fruit as our contribution to the meal. I had no idea what cost what points. I was so confused. At the end of the day, I don't even remember half of what I ate. I think I just subconsciously threw in the towel. I guess the most important thing is to pick myself back up tomorrow and start again. That's what this is about. Daily deciding to eat better and to exercise. Taking small steps and trying not to lose heart when I have a bad food day.
Monday, July 14, 2008I Am WAY Too Old (and out of shape!) To Slip ‘N Slide.My husband found a Slip 'n Slide on clearance this week and brought it home. The kids and I took it out back today and tried it out. It's been years since I've been on one. I now remember why. My abs hurt so bad! lol Tomorrow is going to be fun! lol
Today was a good day. My mom signed up for Spark People. I'm feeling better and better about doing this as a family. I think that's a great way to share with each other and keep each other accountable. On a side note, at Wal-mart tonight, I found these really good ice-cream bars that are REALLY low in calories and actually taste good! They are called PhillySwirl Swirl Stix. The chocolate version is 57 calories and the fruit version is 48. They even have a sugar free version. Whoo hooo! I know it's silly but I'm excited about them.