It’s about time that I made an update on life. I’ve been reluctant to post this since I’m still coming to terms with this myself. But hey, I need all of the help I can get right now. :o) I’ve been sick and in pain for quite a while and have finally gotten a doctor’s appointment to figure out what the heck is going on with my body. I’ve had most of these symptoms for several years stretching way back into high school and beyond. But lately, they seem to have gotten more pronounced. Since John just changed jobs in January, we’ve had to find a new family doctor that is on our new insurance…not that we really had one before…the kids did though. LOL I finally sat down and wrote out a list of all of my symptoms…
*Pain mainly on my right side (arm, leg, back, shoulders, neck, jaw, all joints)
*Muscles around the joints feel really tight and painful
*Occasional tingling in the right leg and arm
*Sleep for 8 hours but feel like I haven’t went to bed at all
*Have to urinate almost every hour (yeah, I know you wanted to know that…lol)
*Tired ALL of the time
*Achy ALL of the time (to the point where it hurts to move around at all sometimes)
*Thirsty constantly
*Dry, scaly rash/patch that comes and goes on my forearms, legs and back
*Stiff joints after laying down or sitting for a while
*Right side feels week and heavy
*Keep losing handfuls of hair when I’m in the shower or brush my hair
*Muscles around my chest feel achy
I have some “good days” where I feel fine except for some annoying throbbing pain but most of the time I feel like I’ve been squished by a Mack truck.
Combine that with my medical history of Epilepsy, Endometriosis, Laparoscopic Cholycystectomy (gallbladder removal as a teen) and Rotator Cuff repair surgery as well as my family’s medical history:
Father: Hypoglycemia, Arthritis and Epilepsy
Mother: Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Diabetes, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and High Blood Pressure
Maternal Grandmother: Hyperthyroidism, Rheumatoid Arthritis, COPD and Bladder Cancer
Maternal Grandfather: Diabetes, Stroke, Kidney Failure, Arthritis and COPD
Paternal Grandmother: Stroke, Several Heart Attacks, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and Arthritis
Paternal Grandfather: Arthritis and Brain Aneurism
We’re “healthy”, aren’t we? LOL ;o)
Needless to say, I’ve been a bit freaked out about going to the doctor to see what is actually going on. You know me, I love the internet so I have looked up every disease known to man. Did you know that there is actually a
“Symptom Checker”? You can check all of your symptoms off on a list online and it will spit out all of the diseases that have those symptoms in common. It’s good information but I know that some doctors would cringe at the thought of all of us “self diagnosing” ourselves. :o) The top diseases that it says I’m a candidate for are Thyroid diseases, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis.
Anyway, to make long story short, I finally have an appointment on Monday at 10:00 AM. It took forever to find someone who was taking new patients but hopefully I’ve found the right one. If not, I’ll keep looking. I’ve been to the doctor before for some of these symptoms – chiropractor for back/neck pain, neurologist for epilepsy and numbness (several years ago), regular doctor for arm/leg pain (doc said he thought I just pulled a muscle…Nope!), regular doctor for my sleeping issues (he contributed it to having 2 small kids). None of these symptoms have gone away especially since they have been treated individually. I’m ready to come in on Monday prepared with my list of issues. I want someone to finally look at all of this as a whole. Is it connected or not? Who knows? I’m just ready to 1). Know what’s going on and 2). Deal with it or let it go away.
So, that’s where I’m at. A little scared. Very tired and very much in pain most of the time. Oh, and it makes me annoyed sometimes that I can’t always do what I want to do physically. Just walking up the stairs to go to bed at night is a chore. I sometimes walk up like a dog climbing the stairs, on all fours, because it feels better that way than standing straight up.
I’m not one for asking for help or prayer for myself. I’m the oldest of 5 kids and you know that means that I think I can handle it all and “fix it” myself. I think I’m the one that is supposed to take care of YOU! LOL But I can’t do it all. Chances are that Monday is going to be a consultation, especially since I’m a new patient, and then I might be sent for some blood work and such. The waiting is going to be fun. Please pray that we figure out what is going on with my body and what to do about it. To borrow a phrase from Garth Brooks, “I’m much too young to feel this…um… old”.
Thanks guys. I love you all!