What a rough few weeks! I think that this is the first time in the history of our family that all four of us have been sick at the same time, one right after the next. Let me tell you, that was fun being sick AND taking care of sick people too. It all started with Erin, the Curious George Exhibit at the Children’s Museum and a pile of poo. Yes, our daughter made a rather large mess in a very public place. There is something very ironic that it all happened in a monkey exhibit though! Three pairs of pants later, we finally got out the door. You read correctly… It took us that many pants to even GET OUT THE DOOR! I ended up borrowing 2 pair of pants from 2 different friends. By the time we left, Erin had on a pretty floral shirt (the pants that she borrowed from Lilly were some that got defiled!) that wasn’t even hers and some rather cute camo pants that we had borrowed from our friend, Gregory. Then that night graced us with scrubbing the car seat out due to Erin vomiting ALL over the inside of the car and her car seat. The flu (the full version!) has been our house guest and decided to bring its friend, bronchitis, over unannounced to visit as well. I got it the next day and Ethan got it that night. John got it a few days later around the time that I found out that I had bronchitis and a sinus infection. Later in the week, Erin caught a cold and has been running a fever on and off. And then John got blessed with the bronchitis and fever too. We are on the mend though. Now if we can get the random fever to stay away and the cough to run for its life, we’ll be fine. Time to hit the bed so I can get up in the morning and disinfect everything! :o)