Jesus Waves
So I’ve started a little social experiment this week. I’m not one for experiments. I usually leave that up to my husband, The Science. But this one has been a very thought provoking one. It all started while I was in Wal-mart on Saturday. Ethan and I had made a quick trip there to pick up some last minute stuff for his birthday party. (He’s 4 and I feel old!!!) I managed to catch the eye of an elderly lady and she smiled at me. I smiled back. It felt good. I didn’t think that much of it until a few minutes later it happened again. This time with a stressed out mom and her children. I smiled first and then she smiled back.
Usually, when I go to the store and especially if the kids are with me, my mission is to get the stuff on my list the quickest and quietest (avoiding fits!) way possible. I keep my head down and race my cart up and down the aisle because any minute the time bomb (my children) will go off. I’ve run over a few too many people with my driving skills. This time I wanted it to be different. When the random lady smiled at me, I felt as if I had a duty to “pass it on”. A simple kindness paid forward.
As soon as I was done checking out, Ethan and I stood in line at the Subway inside Wal-mart for some quick lunch. There was one person ahead of us ordering several sandwiches so we were up for quite a wait. Pretty soon, I heard a voice behind me asking if I had heard of the band “Tool”. As I turned around, I saw that it was a teenage boy, dressed in all black with unwashed, stringy hair and bloodshot eyes. “Oh, no. This cannot be my “pass it on”. I’m ashamed to admit that my first reaction toward him wasn’t kindness. It was fear. I didn’t know this kid and I had no reason to make small talk with him while we waited for sandwiches. I even thought “Oh, Lord. Am I going to end up in a hostage situation today?” He kept on talking as if he were lonely. He told me that he was 18 and had just gotten off of working a long shift at the factory. His girlfriend just found out that she’s pregnant and they didn’t know what they were going to do but he thought everything would work out ok.
I talked with him until my sandwiches were ready and then I told him bye. It seemed funny but he seemed relieved to tell someone about his worries. Pastor Tony said something this weekend that made me think. “When you CHOOSE to love somebody that YOU think doesn’t “deserve” it--you both change. You begin to have compassion. You begin to care about the things that Jesus cares about. Something as simple as a smile or a wave could just be what someone needs to brighten their day. Did you witness to them? Not necessarily. Did you invite them to join you at church? Probably not. But you did give them a little joy and a little hope to lean on. I think that is one way we can show the love of Christ to others.
When I was at a Mother & Daughter Banquet with my mom and my sister 2 weeks ago, the speaker told a story of how she struck up a conversation with someone (a stereotype) at the mall that she swore she’d never talk to. She made a statement that said (paraphrased) “You’re not just planting seeds. You’re helping to break down walls.” I was reminded of that during my conversation with the boy in the Subway line. Hopefully, he came away from the conversation a little less weary of people. A little less weary of people making assumptions about him based on the way he dresses or the music he listens to. And hopefully, I’ve come away with the lesson to not be judgmental and to have compassion.
Jesus was the king of loving the ones that were deemed “unlovable” or “undeserving”. He hung out with them all of the time. The truth is that none of us deserve it. None of us are worthy, yet He still invites us to be His own. How amazing is that? My challenge to myself this week is to slow down. See the world with fresh eyes. Care about the things that Jesus cares about. And to put down my judge’s gavel. I have no right to even touch it for I, too, have been judged by it.
I know that the old saying is “Jesus Saves”. That’s true but I’m also convinced that “Jesus Waves”. I think He smiles too. And I know He listens. Sometimes I think sharing the message of Christ isn’t as complicated as we make it out to be. We worry about sharing the right passages, or converting them on the spot so we can mark off another person on our “Jesus card” that we forget to exhibit the very traits that a Christian should be modeling:
“Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” Colossians 3:12
Let’s start with these. You’ll have more of a chance to change the world by loving it and those in it than you will ever have by trying to do it without love.