Happy Anniversary!
So this post is a few days behind. I've been busy and haven't been able to post about my wonderful husband. Our 4th wedding anniversary was this past Thursday (August 31). And I want the world to know how much he means to me.
John and I met at church. We were both on the worship team. I was a vocalist and he was a trumpet player. It's ironic that we both moved from other places to Indy within a few months of each other and found each other. I'll spare you all of the gushy details. We traded numbers one night after practice. He was going to save me from this stalker guy who was making plans to show up at my house the next night (a Friday). He met up with me and my friend Cris at her apartment. Our friend Dave joined us and we went to the theater to see The Three Musketeers.
I remember asking Cris if I could spend the night at her apartment since I didn't want "stalker boy" anywhere near me. She agreed. After the movie, we all hung out and John, Cris and Dave played guitars and we had what we use to call a "jam session". I just sang because my clarinet wouldn't have added much to the acoustic set. Later that night as Cris and I were getting ready for bed, I remember laying there giddy and googley-eyed over this guy. I know at one time I looked at her and said "I'm going to marry this guy". The following Sunday (2 days later), we found ourselves on our first official date at O'Charley's after church.
I was right. I married him and it's turned out to be the best 5 years (4 of them being married years) of my entire life. Thank you, John, for being my best friend. You compliment me in every way. We pull out the best (and sometimes the worst!) in each other. I am a better person for knowing and loving you.
Thanks for asking the big question. The question that started it all "Can I get your number?" ;o) Without that, we wouldn't probably know the wonderful happiness we do today. I love you so much! Happy Anniversary!
These are pictures from when we were dating (and one from our wedding!) Enjoy!

Congratulations on your anniversary!
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