Sleep...I need sleep. Just when I think Erin is sleeping through the night (ok, almost), we are proved wrong! She had a screaming fit last night. I think she's getting a cold. Her nose was all stuffy and she was wheezing a bit. Poor girl. In other news, she learned how to roll over 2 weeks ago. I just forgot to post it. So far, she's done it about once every few days. She's still hasn't done it when John's around though. I hope that she does soon. She got dedicated (kind of like baby baptism) at church on Sunday. Here's a picture of her before the service:

This picture was the next day. I tried to get a hair bow to stay in her hair. It lasted about 30 seconds. Long enough for me to take a picture, I guess!

She's beautiful! How well I remember walking around like a zombie when Blake was a baby. It will happen--as I know you know. Now I just want to get to sleep past 6:45 on a Saturday... it's always something I suppose.
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